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2018年5月23日Clemson大学Jeffrey Anker 教授学术报告会

通讯员:  发布时间:2018-05-22  浏览量:

题  目:Sensing through tissue: imaging implant

associated infection, and monitoring bone healing

报告人:Dr.   Jeffrey Anker

时  间:2018年5月23日(上午 10:00~ )

地  点:新化工楼B区106报告厅


Jeffrey Anker is a Wallace R. Roy Associate Professor of Chemistry and BioEngineering at Clemson University.  He obtained his BS degree in applied physics at Yale University in 1998.  He received his doctorate at The University of Michigan in 2005 under Raoul Kopelman,s guidance, and his postdoc at Northwestern University under Richard Van Duyne,s guidance. Current research focuses on imaging and spectroscopy using magnetic, plasmonic, and X-ray excited micro- and nano-sensors.
