报告题目:Functional nanomaterials for electrocatalysis and electrochemical
energy harvesting
Prof. Xin Wang received his Bachelor (1994) and Master (1997) degrees in Chemical
Engineering from Zhejiang University, and Ph. D (2002) in Chemical Engineering
from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. From 2003 to 2005, he
worked as a research fellow at University of California, Riverside, and concurrently,
as R&D director for a startup fuel cell company. He joined Nanyang Technological
University as assistant professor in 2005 and was promoted to associate professor with
tenure in 2010 and full professor in 2016. He is currently the Associate Dean
(Research), College of Engineering. He has been working on electrocatalysis and
electrochemical technology for energy harvesting. He has published over 160 SCI
papers with citations ~10,000 and H index of 55. He is also listed as inventor of 7
US/international patents with one licensed to a start-up company. He is currently a
Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC).
Functional nanomaterials play important role in the development of efficient and stable electrocatalyst for
electrochemical energy harvesting and environmental applications. Targeting these applications, in this talk I
will introduce the main research focus and progress in our group, including noble meal based and non-noble
metal based electrocatalysts for fuel cell or water splitting applications and modification of Cu based electrode
for CO2 electro-reduction towards hydrocarbons. A brief introduction about College of Engineering and Ph.D
programme/opportunities in NTU will also be given.
报告时间:2017 年3 月29 日(星期三)下午16:30-18:00
报告地点:化工院D 区报告厅